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Workshop Information

Are You Ready?

Leadership is a personal capability honed over time in a deliberate, structured manner. If you take on the mission to become a high-impact leader, power and resources will naturally flow to you. You will control your world and not have others dictate your objectives, actions and requirements.


Many people strive to become leaders, but very few succeed because they think there should be a simple, seven-step plan. There is none.


Have you ever felt like you should be more successful, influential and respected? Don’t you want that?


Then you should break free from your shackles and step up to being a high-impact leader. You will be more prosperous, powerful and perfectly in control of your destiny if you do.


People know that high-impact leadership is a rare commodity and eagerly associate with you to drive collective success. They know that high-impact leaders provide more benefit for followers than what they can generate on their own.


They revel in the great collective achievements flowing from high-impact leadership, and the strong sense of cohesiveness from shared success. Your followers will give you more support, power, influence and freedom when you bring great success.

When that happens, you will enjoy an enduring sense of self-satisfaction, free of the dictates of others and very much in control of your own destiny and success.


Are you saying to yourself now: “That is me he’s talking about! That’s what I want more than anything else!”


You are destined to join our global inner circle of high-impact leaders. You will join the network of successful leaders who have gone through our super-selective candidate screening process, survived our super-intense capability building workshop and have taken control of their world in order to shape their own destiny.

Can You Wait?

The Details

The GBDB workshop is a 5-day, super intense course that will teach you not only the difference between a leader and a manager, trust us there are a lot of differences, but also help you step out of your comfort zone and arm you with your own individualized action plan. Our goal is to have you feeling like you are that high-impact leader, armed with the tools, resources and network to succeed! 


Each day of the workshop is intense, you will walk away with new knowledge and “ah ha’s” that you may never have had before. Past attendees have returned to do a second round of the leadership workshop due to the amount of information that they learn, it takes effort to process and reflect on it all. Then you will eagerly want to go and apply all your new knowledge and skills.


Below are a few of the things that we cover in the workshops (we can’t give all our secrets away). If you would like more details you can contact us to chat about it.


  • Self-Awareness – based on 2 different leadership models that we use in our workshop and doing a self-assessment

  • Peer-Assessments – done by fellow workshop attendees

  • Presentation – get your fellow attendees to join your tribe

  • Tribal Event – all attendees and coaches have an evening of fun, networking and building your new tribe of executives and high-impact leaders

  • Exclusive App – accessible only by invite to the new high-impact leader tribe of workshop attendees

  • Full Action Plan – created together with your coach, on an individual basis because we know that each attendee has a different situation and different goals they would like to achieve

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Want more details on what you will get? What happens in these 5 intense days? Email GBDB today! 


Getting In

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Our workshops are based on the same principal as going to college, you must apply to be accepted. There are a number of reasons that we follow this guideline. 


  • We accept the best of the best based on their experience – you will submit your resume as part of your application 

  • We look for specific traits that we know high impact leaders’ posses

  • We are building your exclusive and private inner circle of high impact leaders 

  • Each attendee brings knowledge and experience that will elevate both you and them 



Think you will make the cut? Apply and find out today!

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© 2019 by Great Boss Dead Boss

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